BLE-NFC Module: Seamlessly Integrating Bluetooth and NFC Technologies

In today's fast-paced world, wireless connectivity is the heart of many projects, enabling seamless communication and interaction between devices. The BLE-NFC Module is a versatile and robust solution that combines the capabilities of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Near Field Communication (NFC) technologies. With its compact design, customizable features, and easy implementation, this module unlocks the potential of your projects, seamlessly offering secure wireless connectivity.

Features of NFC-BLE module

The NFC_BLE module utilizes advanced chips like nRF52840 or nRF5340. These chips are designed to provide strong and adaptable wireless connectivity. They support various protocols such as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Bluetooth mesh, Thread, Zigbee, 802.15.4, ANT, and 2.4 GHz. This allows for broad compatibility and flexibility in wireless communication.

  • Power consumption

The BLE-NFC Module operates on an input voltage range of 2.5V to 3.6V, making it compatible with various power sources. In Addition, the module boasts low current consumption, ensuring efficient energy usage and extending battery life, which is especially beneficial for portable applications.

  • NFC Capabilities

It features both NFC reader/writer and card operation modes, allowing you to read and write data from NFC tags, as well as emulate NFC cards, with support for NFCIP-1 mode. 

  • Compact Design for Easy Integration

With its compact dimensions of 18.5 x 18.5 mm, the BLE-NFC Module seamlessly fits into your projects, enhancing functionality without compromising space. Its small form allows easy integration into various designs without adding unnecessary bulk. 

  • Easy Implementation and Customizability

The BLE-NFC Module is designed for easy implementation, making the development process hassle-free. This module is highly customizable and allows you to tailor its functionalities to specific project requirements. 

NFC-BLE module Programming

To further facilitate development, the BLE-NFC Module offers several programming options. You can fan out the pins for programming, providing flexibility and ease of use. The module is compatible with popular programming platforms like Zephyr and Arduino, allowing you to leverage the vast libraries and resources available. By installing the Arduino bootloader onto the module, you can utilize it as an Arduino kit, simplifying the programming process.

Installing Arduino Core for Nordic Semiconductor nRF5-based boards

Step 1: Adding the Nordic Semiconductor Board Manager URL

To install the Nordic Semiconductor nRF5 Boards package, you need to add the appropriate Board Manager URL. Follow these steps:

Step 2: Installing the Nordic Semiconductor nRF5 Boards

  • To install the Nordic Semiconductor nRF5 Boards package, follow these steps:

  • Open the Arduino IDE.

  • Go to Tools -> Board -> Boards Manager.

  • In the Boards Manager, search for "Nordic Semiconductor nRF5 Boards" and click on it.

  • Click the "Install" button to install the board package.

  • After the installation is complete, close the Boards Manager.

Step 3: Selecting your nRF5 Board

  • Now that you have installed the necessary packages, you can select your specific nRF5 board. Follow these steps:

  • Open the Arduino IDE.

  • Go to Tools -> Board.

  • You should see the Nordic Semiconductor nRF5 boards. Select the appropriate board for your project.

Additional step: Flashing a SoftDevice

SoftDevices contain the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) stack and housekeeping functions required for nRF5-based boards. Before you can load a sketch using BLE, you need to download the appropriate SoftDevice.

To flash the SoftDevice onto your nRF5-based board, follow these steps:

  • Open a terminal or command prompt.

  • Navigate to your Arduino Sketch folder. The location of the folder varies depending on your operating system:

  • macOS: ~/Documents/Arduino

  • Linux: ~/Arduino

  • Windows: ~/Documents/Arduino

  • Inside the Sketch folder, create the following directories: tools/nRF5FlashSoftDevice/tool/

  • Download the nRF5FlashSoftDevice.jar tool from the following link: nRF5FlashSoftDevice.jar

  • Move the downloaded nRF5FlashSoftDevice.jar file to the tools/nRF5FlashSoftDevice/tool/ directory you created earlier.

  • Restart the Arduino IDE.

  • Select your nRF5 board from the Tools -> Board menu.

  • Select a SoftDevice from the Tools -> "SoftDevice: " menu.

  • Select a Programmer (J-Link, ST-Link V2, or CMSIS-DAP) from the Tools -> "Programmer: " menu.

  • Go to Tools -> nRF5 Flash SoftDevice.

  • Read and accept the license agreement.

  • If accepted, the SoftDevice binary will be flashed to your board.

How to program NFC-BLE Module on using the ncs(nRF Connect SDK)

Step 1: Open VS code

 Open Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and navigate to the Welcome View of the nRF Connect Extension.

Step 2: Create a New Application 

Click on "Create a new application" in the Welcome View. In the "Create New Application" window, type "Bluetooth: Peripheral LBS" in the search field. Select the "Bluetooth: Peripheral LBS" from the list of available samples. This sample application is suitable for our purpose and will serve as a starting point.

Step 3: Build the Bluetooth: Peripheral LBS Application for the NFC-BLE module

In this step, we will specify the target development board or custom board (hardware) we want to build the application. select "lmesh_nfc_ble" as the target board. Additionally, choose the appropriate software configuration (*.conf and possible overlays) to be used in the build process

Step 4: Flash the Program to the NFC-BLE module

To flash the program to the NFC-BLE module, 

connect a link programmer or any nrf DK board with the debugger to the LMesh Gateway using the header. Once everything is set up, follow the instructions provided by the nRF Connect SDK to flash the program onto the nRF52840 module.

  • open the Programmer app on your computer.

  • Connect the nRF52840 to your computer using a micro-USB cable and turn it on.

  • In the Programmer app, select the nRF52840 from the drop-down list.

  • Click on "Add file" and navigate to the folder where your firmware file is located.

  • Select the .hex file for the application you want to update.

  • Click on the "Erase & write" button to start the firmware update process.

  • Wait for the update to complete. Do not disconnect or turn off the NFC-BLE Module during this process.

  • Once the update is finished, you can disconnect the module from your computer.

Step 5 : connect the NFC-BLE module with your phone

Open the nRF Connect for Mobile app on your smartphone. Locate the SCAN button within the app's interface and tap on it. This action will activate your smartphone as a central device, allowing it to scan for Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) devices that are currently advertising nearby.

Choose "Nordic_LBS" from the list and tap CONNECT. If prompted, tap Connect again. Observe the app's interface for the Nordic_LBS device.


Whether you're working on IoT devices, smart home automation, or mobile applications, the BLE-NFC Module is a valuable tool that enhances functionality and user experience. Explore the possibilities today and take your projects to the next level with the BLE-NFC Module!

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Jun 8, 2024

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